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How to extract a LoRa ID from DevEUI and vice versa?

The table in the Excel file only contains the LoRaWAN keys (DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY). On the other hand, you can extract the LoRa identifier from the DEVEUI in the following way: you must take the last 6 characters of the DEVEUI expressed in Hexadecimal and convert them to decimal.

Example 1: DEVEUI= 70B3D54FD007AB95.  If we take the last 6 characters (07AB95) and convert them to Decimal, we obtain the LoRa identifier: LoRa ID=502677. 

Example 2: DEVEUI= 70B3D54FD000A4DB. If we take the last 6 characters (00A4DB) and convert them to Decimal, we obtain the LoRa identifier: LoRa ID=42203. 

Conversely, you can also determine the DEVEUI from the LoRa identifier. You must convert the LoRa ID, expressed in decimal, into Hexadecimal and substitute the last 6 characters of APPEUI (common to all transmitters and equal to APPKEY=70B3D54FD0000000) with the LoRa ID expressed in Hexadecimal. 

Example 1: Lora ID=503290. If we convert it to Hexadecimal it gives 07ADFA. Therefore, DEVEUI=70B3D54FD007ADFA

Example 2: Lora ID= 503485. If we convert it to Hexadecimal it gives 07AEBD. Therefore, DEVEUI=70B3D54FD007AEBD.

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