If the TX Modbus is configured at a periodicity of one minute, it reads the registers of the slave or slaves one after the other at 1 second intervals in a loop. So if there are 10 slaves, 6 registers, it will take 60 seconds to cycle through them all.
When you write a value to the receiver's Modbus table, the value is immediately sent to the TX Modbus. When the TX Modbus receives this message it immediately writes it to the registers so end-to-end the write will happen very quickly. However, since the TX Modbus scans all registers, it can take up to a minute before this register value is returned to the receiver.
Meanwhile, if you update the register, say within 10 seconds, the last value should come very quickly to the TX Modbus and then to the slave. But depending on the register that is scanned, again it may take 1 minute before the value is sent to the receiver.
If the slaves of the TX Modbus are configured at a periodicity of 5 minutes, the TX Modbus reads the registers of the slaves at 5 second intervals in a loop, so if there are 10 slaves, 6 registers, it will take 5 minutes for the browse all. Following the same logic as above, it may take up to 5 minutes for feedback after writing to a slave's register before that register value is sent back to the receiver.