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My Sigfox transmitter communicates every 60mn

The default periodicity of our Sigfox transmitters is 60mn.

When you power a Sigfox sensor, it is supposed to retrieve its configuration downlink and set its periodicity to the one indicated on the downlink. 

If your transmitter transmits every 60mn, it's possible it has not correctly recovered its Downlink. In this case, please check the following points:

  1. Check that the downlink configured in the Device Type to which your transmitter is associated is correct. If the downlink is incorrect, modify it and restart your transmitter, preferably outdoors to better connect to the Sigfox network.
  2. Validate the behaviour of the transmitter LEDs once powered.
    Only the transmitter LEDs will confirm that the Downlink has been received, the L2+L3 LEDs must remain ON to confirm that the Downlink has been received.
  3. Make sure that you do not power several sensors simultaneously at the same location as this may cause disturbances on the network and prevent the downlink from being recovered.

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