[Proprietary mode] Proprietary LoRa Installation Help Guide
Below is the installation help guide in LoRa Proprietary: https://enless.gi...
On which frequencies do Enless sensors operate?
For EU 868 products: In proprietary LoRa mode, Enless sensors transmit on...
[LoRaWAN] How to switch from one LoRaWAN network to another ?
To switch a transmitter from one LoRaWAN network to another, you do not need...
[LoRaWAN] LoRaWAN version
For EU 868 products: Our transmitters have been certified with V1.0.2 re...
[LoRaWAN] Behaviour of Joins and LinkChecks
For EU 868 products: When they are powered, the transmitters send a JOI...
Transmitters calibration
Only the CO2 sensors can be calibrated. For more information on the cali...